Free Counselling

Free & Sliding Scale Counselling

Free 50-Minute Virtual Intake/First Sessions are offered with all Clinical Intern Therapists. Sliding Scale & Low Cost Spots for ongoing support are offered with all Clinical Intern Therapists.

Book with our “Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Clinical Intern Therapist” for these options.


First 50-minute Individual or Couples Session with any RP (Qualifying) Clinical Intern Therapist

Sliding Scale:

$85 + HST for Individual Sessions

$100 + HST for Couple Sessions

Low Cost: (Limited Availability, Varies by Therapist)

$65 + HST for Individual Sessions

$85 + HST for Couple Sessions

What is a Clinical Intern Therapist?

A Clinical Intern Therapist is a Student completing their Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology, who is completing their practicum as a student therapist. They are under direct supervision from a fully licensed therapist to support their growth ongoing.

Clinical Interns are usually Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) credentials, meaning they are licensed under CRPO (College of Registered Psychotherapists Ontario), pending the completion of their placement & supervision hours.

If you have questions about any of our Clinical Intern Therapists feel free to reach out directly to!